Advanced Technology Applied In SuperShield


SuperShield is a product in ultra premium segment that TOA Paint proud to introduce for consumers for many years and confident with the best quality compared to products in the same segment in the market.

SuperShield is an ultra premium exterior paint with Titanium Triple Protection and Self-cleaning technology, which delivers high and stable quality of coating up to 10 years. This is not only a decorative product, but also a solution for protecting the house/ building for long lasting durability, beautiful colors and fresh paint film under the influence of weather and the environment. Despite being appreciated by consumers and contractors for the quality of SuperShield, however, TOA still continues to research and develop, integrating modern technology to bring to consumers as well as the invester a better solution to protect the environment under the increasing impact of environmental pollution, dirt & smoke.

In March 2017, TOA launched new SuperShield exterior paint with 02 surfaces: Sheen and high sheen. With integrated Ti-Pure™ technology, SuperShield helps protect the building up to 15 years. The building is protected longer, works are still new after 15 years. It does not only save repair time but also labor cost, material.

Ti-PureTM is a trademark of Chemours TT – wellknow US chemical group. Based on the outstanding features of Titanium, Ti-PureTM is along with Titanium Triple Protection and Self-Cleaning help protect the building up to 15 years. The paint film is hard, strong but still achieves the smoothness, resistance to UV radiation, dust and tropical climate in Vietnam.

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